Concurrent Session – 2 (11:45 am - 12:30 pm)

From Resilience to Excellence: A Life Exploration of the Gifted
Ms. SIN Ho Lam, Tiffany
Education Advisor
The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education


Providing a nurturing environment and opportunities for children to achieve “excellence” is the common goal of parents. Focuses of this concurrent session will be on challenges which gifted children have to face along their paths of development, on which the acquisition of ability to be resilient to recover from adversity, overcome obstacles and realise positivity is a key priority. Dealing with challenges and focusing on positives with attitudes of resilience and realistic, flexible thinking will be shared. In addition, ways to optimistic perspectives and elements of happiness will also be discussed.

Ms Tiffany SIN graduated with a Bachelor’s degree (Hons) in Social Work from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and a Master’s degree in School Guidance and Counselling from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She has recently completed the Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) programme and will be certified this year. Ms SIN is a Certified Theraplay® Therapist, Registered Social Worker and member of the Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association and the Association for Play Therapy (United States). She has been dedicated to working with parents and children for more than 10 years. Over the past decade, she has handled over hundred cases of gifted children and children with special needs, as well as organising numerous parent education progammes. Ms SIN was a centre supervisor of a Special Child Care and Early Education Training Centre and a part-time lecturer of the OUHK, HKIEd and HKIVE.