
《匯賢「資」訊 》第二期意見調查
INSPIRE Survey for the Issue No. 2

1. 我最喜愛的部份 (My most favorite part):*
專業交流 Professional Sharing
前線推介 Recommended Resources
書評 Book Review 要聞剪影 News Bites
學院動向 Upcoming Events of the Academy 最新消息 What’s New
請選擇 (Please make a selection).
原因 Reason(s):
必須填寫 (A value is required).
2. 我希望有所改善的部份
(The part that needs improvement):
專業交流 Professional Sharing
前線推介 Recommended Resources
要聞剪影 News Bite
學院動向 Upcoming Events of the Academy 最新消息 What’s New
請選擇 (Please make a selection).
原因 Reason(s):
必須填寫 (A value is required).
3. 我對《匯賢訊》第二期有以下評價 (My general comments to “INSPIRE” are as follows)*
a. 文章數量 (Number of articles)
太多 Too Many
請選擇 (Please make a selection).
b. 內容深淺 (Level of difficulty)
過於深奧 Too Difficult 深淺適中 Suitable
請選擇 (Please make a selection).
c. 資訊性 (Informative)
足夠 Sufficient 可以接受 Acceptable
請選擇 (Please make a selection).
d. 文章對我的幫助 (Usefulness of articles)
請選擇 (Please make a selection).
4. 我的建議 (Suggestions for Improvement): *
必須填寫 (A value is required).
5. 我是 (I am a): *
請選擇 (Please make a selection)
A value is required.